Represents the API for fetching data related to staking pools and NFTs.


  • NectarStakingFetch



  • Fetch all available NFTs that can be staked in the staking pool.


    • Optional walletAddress: PublicKey

      The address of the wallet to fetch available NFTs for.

    Returns Promise<AvailableNft[]>

    A Promise that resolves with an array of available NFTs.

  • Fetch the multipliers associated with the staking pool.

    Returns Promise<StakingMultipliers>

    A Promise that resolves with the multipliers data.

  • Fetch data for a specific NFT mint.


    • mint: PublicKey

      The address of the NFT mint.

    Returns Promise<{
        address: PublicKey;
        bump: number;
        collection: PublicKey;
        creator: PublicKey;
        lastClaim: bignum;
        lastStakedAt: bignum;
        lastUnstakedAt: bignum;
        mint: PublicKey;
        stakedAt: bignum;
        staker: PublicKey;
        stakingPool: PublicKey;

    A Promise that resolves with the NFT data.

  • Fetch all NFTs staked by a specific wallet in the staking pool.


    • Optional walletAddress: PublicKey

      The address of the wallet to fetch staked NFTs for.

    Returns Promise<NFT[]>

    A Promise that resolves with an array of staked NFTs.

  • Fetch rewards data for a list of staked NFTs.


    • stakedNfts: StakedNft[]

      An array of staked NFTs for which rewards data is to be fetched.

    Returns Promise<{
        multipliers: number;
        rewards: number;

    A Promise that resolves with an array of rewards data.

  • Fetch all staked NFTs of a specific wallet in the staking pool.


    • Optional walletAddress: PublicKey

      The address of the wallet to fetch staked NFTs for.

    Returns Promise<StakedNft[]>

    A Promise that resolves with an array of staked NFTs.

  • Fetch a staker's account information.


    • args: {
          wallet: PublicKey;
      } | {
          address: PublicKey;

      The arguments to identify the staker (wallet address or account address).

    Returns Promise<Staker>

    A Promise that resolves with the staker's account information.

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