• Creates a "Set Holder Status" operation to update the status of the specified holder account.


    • honeycomb: Honeycomb

      The Honeycomb instance.

    • args: CreateSetHolderStatusOperationArgs

      The arguments for creating the "Set Holder Status" operation.

    Returns Promise<{
        operation: Operation;

    An object containing the "Set Holder Status" operation.


    const honeycomb = new Honeycomb(...); // Initialize Honeycomb instance
    const holderAccount = ...; // HplHolderAccount instance

    // Create a "Set Holder Status" operation for the holder account
    const operationArgs: CreateSetHolderStatusOperationArgs = {
    status: HolderStatus.Active, // Set the desired status
    const { operation } = await createSetHolderStatusOperation(honeycomb, operationArgs);

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