• Generates both the holder account PDA and the associated token account PDA for a given owner, mint, currencyKind, tokenProgram, and programId.


    • owner: PublicKey

      The owner public key of the holder account.

    • mint: PublicKey

      The mint public key.

    • currencyKind: CurrencyKind

      The type of currency (e.g., permissioned or non-permissioned).

    • Optional tokenProgram: PublicKey

      The program ID of the SPL Token program (optional, default is TOKEN_PROGRAM_ID).

    • Optional programId: PublicKey

      The program ID of the token account program (optional, default is PROGRAM_ID).

    Returns {
        holderAccount: PublicKey;
        tokenAccount: PublicKey;

    An object containing the generated PDA addresses for both the holder account and the token account.

    • holderAccount: PublicKey
    • tokenAccount: PublicKey

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