Represents a Nectar Mission Participation.


  • NectarMissionParticipation


  • Creates a new NectarMissionParticipation instance.


    • _mission: NectarMission

      The NectarMission instance that the participation belongs to.

    • address: PublicKey

      The public key address of the participation.

    • _participation: Participation

      The underlying Participation object representing the participation data.

    • _stakedNft: StakedNft

      The StakedNft object representing the staked NFT associated with the participation.

    Returns NectarMissionParticipation


    Throws an error if the participation does not belong to the mission or the staked NFT.


address: PublicKey


  • get endTime(): Date
  • Gets the end time of the participation as a Date.

    Returns Date

    The end time of the participation.

  • get isEnded(): boolean
  • Checks if the participation has ended.

    Returns boolean

    true if the participation has ended, false otherwise.

  • get isRecalled(): boolean
  • Checks if the participation has been recalled.

    Returns boolean

    true if the participation has been recalled, false otherwise.

  • get nft(): StakedNft
  • Gets the staked NFT associated with the participation.

    Returns StakedNft

    The staked NFT object.

  • get nftAddress(): PublicKey
  • Gets the address of the staked NFT associated with the participation.

    Returns PublicKey

    The address of the staked NFT.

  • get rewards(): ParticipationReward[]
  • Gets the rewards associated with the participation.

    Returns ParticipationReward[]

    An array of ParticipationReward or ParticipationCurrencyRewards objects representing the rewards.

  • get startTime(): Date
  • Gets the start time of the participation as a Date.

    Returns Date

    The start time of the participation.

  • get wallet(): PublicKey
  • Gets the wallet address associated with the participation.

    Returns PublicKey

    The wallet address.


  • Returns the NectarMission instance that the participation belongs to.

    Returns NectarMission

    The NectarMission instance.

  • Recalls the participation from the mission for this instance.


    • Optional confirmOptions: ConfirmOptions

      Optional transaction confirmation options.

    Returns Promise<string>

    A promise that resolves to the transaction signature upon successful recall.



    // Recall participation for this instance
    const recallResult = await nectarMissionParticipation.recall();
    console.log(recallResult); // Output: Transaction signature

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