An instance of the Honeycomb class.
The arguments for creating the mission pool operation.
An object containing the operation and the address of the new mission pool.
const honeycomb = new Honeycomb(...); // Initialize Honeycomb instance
const project = await honeycomb.project(projectAddress);
const args: CreateMissionPoolArgs = {
name: "Mission Pool 1",
description: "This is a mission pool.",
// Add other required fields for CreateMissionPoolArgs
collections: [collectionPublicKey1, collectionPublicKey2],
creators: [creatorPublicKey1, creatorPublicKey2],
const createMissionPoolArgs: CreateCreateMissionPoolOperationArgs = {
programId: myCustomProgramId, // (Optional) Provide a custom program ID if needed
const { operation, missionPool } = createCreateMissionPoolOperation(honeycomb, createMissionPoolArgs);
// Execute the transaction to create the mission pool
await operation.send(confirmOptions);
Generated using TypeDoc
Creates a new mission pool operation.