Represents a Honeycomb project on the Solana blockchain.




_honeycomb: Honeycomb
connection: Connection
programId: PublicKey

The program ID of the Honeycomb project.

projectAddress: PublicKey


  • get address(): PublicKey
  • The public address of the project.

    Returns PublicKey

  • get authority(): PublicKey
  • The project's authority.

    Returns PublicKey

  • get collections(): PublicKey[]
  • The project's collections.

    Returns PublicKey[]

  • get creators(): PublicKey[]
  • The project's creators.

    Returns PublicKey[]

  • get data(): Project
  • The project data.

    Returns Project

  • get mintIndexing(): Indexing
  • The project's mint indexing data.

    Returns Indexing

  • get name(): string
  • The project's name.

    Returns string

  • get profileDataConfig(): Map<string, ProfileDataType>
  • The project's profile data configuration.

    Returns Map<string, ProfileDataType>

  • get services(): Service[]
  • The project's services.

    Returns Service[]


  • Adds criteria to the project.


    • args: CriteriaArgs

      Arguments for adding the criteria.

    • Optional confirmOptions: ConfirmOptions

      Confirm options for the transaction.

    Returns Promise<ConfirmedContext>

    The confirmation context of the transaction.

  • Adds a delegation to the project.


    • delegate: PublicKey

      The delegate to be added.

    • delegation: ServiceDelegation

      The service delegation.

    • Optional confirmOptions: ConfirmOptions

      Confirm options for the transaction.

    Returns Promise<ConfirmedContext>

    The confirmation context of the transaction.

  • Adds a service to the project.


    • service: Service

      The service to be added.

    • Optional confirmOptions: ConfirmOptions

      Confirm options for the transaction.

    Returns Promise<ConfirmedContext>

    The confirmation context of the transaction.

  • Changes the driver of the project.


    • Optional keypair: Keypair

      The new driver keypair (optional).

    • Optional confirmOptions: ConfirmOptions

      Confirm options for the transaction.

    Returns Promise<Keypair>

    The new driver keypair if created, or the current keypair if provided.

  • Creates a delegate authority for the project.


    • delegate: PublicKey

      The delegate to be assigned authority.

    • delegations: ServiceDelegation[]

      The service delegations.

    • Optional confirmOptions: ConfirmOptions

      Confirm options for the transaction.

    Returns Promise<ConfirmedContext>

    The confirmation context of the transaction.

  • Delegates the driver role to the provided keypair.


    • keypair: Keypair

      The new driver keypair.

    • Optional confirmOptions: ConfirmOptions

      Confirm options for the transaction.

    Returns Promise<Keypair>

    The new driver keypair.

  • Fetches additional data for the project.

    Returns HoneycombProjectFetch

    The HoneycombProjectFetch instance for fetching additional data.

  • Finds the mint address from the indexed reference.


    Returns PublicKey

    The mint address if found, or null if not found.

  • Finds the indexed reference for a given mint address.


    • lookingFor: PublicKey

      The mint address to find the indexed reference for.

    Returns null | IndexedReference

    The indexed reference if found, or null if not found.

  • Generates a new driver keypair for the project.


    • Optional confirmOptions: ConfirmOptions

      Confirm options for the transaction.

    Returns Promise<Keypair>

    The new driver keypair.

  • Get the Honeycomb client instance associated with the module.

    Returns Honeycomb

    The Honeycomb client instance.

  • Indexes all mint addresses for the project.


    • mintAddresses: PublicKey[]

      An array of mint addresses to be indexed.

    Returns Promise<ConfirmedContext[]>

    An array of confirmation contexts for the transactions.

  • Indexes mints for the project.


    • index: number

      The index of the mint container.

    • mints: PublicKey[]

      An array of mint addresses to be indexed.

    Returns Promise<ConfirmedContext[]>

    An array of confirmation contexts for the transactions.

  • Installs the Honeycomb project module in the provided Honeycomb instance.


    • honeycomb: Honeycomb

      The Honeycomb instance to install the module in.

    Returns Honeycomb

    The installed Honeycomb instance.

  • Loads mint containers for the project.


    • Optional commitmentOrConfig: Commitment | GetMultipleAccountsConfig

      Commitment or config object for the request.

    Returns Promise<AddressContainer[]>

    An array of mint containers.

  • Removes criteria from the project.


    • args: CriteriaArgs

      Arguments for removing the criteria.

    • Optional confirmOptions: ConfirmOptions

      Confirm options for the transaction.

    Returns Promise<ConfirmedContext>

    The confirmation context of the transaction.

  • Removes a delegation from the project.


    • delegate: PublicKey

      The delegate to be removed.

    • index: number

      The index of the delegation to be removed.

    • Optional confirmOptions: ConfirmOptions

      Confirm options for the transaction.

    Returns Promise<ConfirmedContext>

    The confirmation context of the transaction.

  • Removes a service from the project.


    • service: Service

      The service to be removed.

    • Optional confirmOptions: ConfirmOptions

      Confirm options for the transaction.

    Returns Promise<ConfirmedContext>

    The confirmation context of the transaction.

  • Filters unique mint addresses and returns the filtered array.


    • mintAddresses: PublicKey[]

      An array of mint addresses to be filtered.

    • Optional alreeadyCachedMints: AddressContainer[]

    Returns Promise<PublicKey[]>

    An array of unique mint addresses.

  • Creates an instance of HoneycombProject using the provided connection and project address.


    • connection: Connection

      The connection to the Solana blockchain.

    • projectAddress: PublicKey

      The public address of the Honeycomb project.

    Returns Promise<HoneycombProject>

    An instance of HoneycombProject.

  • Creates a new Honeycomb project.


    • honeycomb: Honeycomb

      The Honeycomb instance.

    • args: NewHoneycombProjectArgs

      Arguments for creating the new project.

    • Optional confirmOptions: ConfirmOptions

      Confirm options for the transaction.

    Returns Promise<HoneycombProject>

    A newly created HoneycombProject.

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