Represents the Identity Module which handles identity-related operations like signing messages and transactions.



  • Creates a new instance of the IdentityModule.


    • _signer: Signer

      The signer to use for signing messages and transactions.

    Returns IdentityModule


_honeycomb: Honeycomb
_signer: Signer
authToken: string


  • get address(): PublicKey
  • Gets the public key of the current identity.

    Returns PublicKey

  • get isGuest(): boolean
  • Checks if the identity is a guest identity.

    Returns boolean

  • get signer(): Signer
  • Gets the signer used by the identity module.

    Returns Signer


  • Returns Promise<string>

  • Get the Honeycomb client instance associated with the module.

    Returns Honeycomb

    The Honeycomb client instance.

  • Installs the IdentityModule into the Honeycomb instance.


    • honeycomb: Honeycomb

      The Honeycomb instance to install the module into.

    Returns Honeycomb

    The modified Honeycomb instance with the IdentityModule installed.

  • Parameters

    • Optional projectKey: string | PublicKey
    • Optional commitmentOrConfig: Commitment | GetAccountInfoConfig

    Returns Promise<DelegateAuthorityWithAddress>

  • Returns Promise<Profiles>

  • Parameters

    • Optional projectKey: PublicKey
    • Optional identity: string | PublicKey
    • Optional reFetch: boolean
    • Optional commitmentOrConfig: Commitment | GetAccountInfoConfig

    Returns Promise<IdentityProfile>

  • Signs all the provided transactions using the identity's signer.

    Type Parameters

    • T = Transaction | VersionedTransaction


    • transactions: T[]

      An array of transactions to sign.

    Returns Promise<T[]>

    A Promise that resolves to an array of signed transactions.


    Error if the identity is a guest identity.

  • Signs the provided message using the identity's signer.


    • message: Uint8Array

      The message to sign as a Uint8Array.

    Returns Promise<Uint8Array>

    A Promise that resolves to the signature as a Uint8Array.


    Error if the identity is a guest identity.

  • Signs the provided transaction using the identity's signer.

    Type Parameters

    • T = Transaction | VersionedTransaction


    • transaction: T

      The transaction to sign.

    Returns Promise<T>

    A Promise that resolves to the signed transaction.


    Error if the identity is a guest identity.

  • Parameters

    • Optional reFetch: boolean
    • Optional commitmentOrConfig: Commitment | GetAccountInfoConfig

    Returns Promise<IdentityUser>

  • Parameters

    • Optional reFetch: boolean
    • Optional commitmentOrConfig: Commitment | GetAccountInfoConfig

    Returns Promise<WalletResolver>

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