• This function creates a SetAuthDriver operation using the specified Honeycomb instance and the provided arguments. The operation is used to set the authentication driver for a specific program in the Honeycomb ecosystem.

    The function calculates the program data public key, public info public key, and rent sysvar public key using the provided parameters. It also generates the necessary instructions for the operation, including authority, program data, and rent sysvar.

    If the public info account doesn't exist yet, the function first creates the account using the createInitPublicInfoOperation function.


    Returns Promise<{
        operation: Operation;

    An object containing the operation.


    const honeycomb = new Honeycomb(connection);
    const authDriverKeypair = web3.Keypair.generate(); // Generate the authentication driver keypair.

    // Create SetAuthDriver operation with specified arguments.
    const operationArgs: CreateSetAuthDriverOperationArgs = {
    args: {
    driverOffchain: "..."
    authDriver: authDriverKeypair,
    const { operation } = await createSetAuthDriverOperation(honeycomb, operationArgs);
    operation.send(); // The generated SetAuthDriver operation.

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